Atlas Therapy is a hidden gem in the local medical community.
So often when talking to people in our area, or who come into the clinic for an initial visit, I hear "I've never heard of Atlas Therapy." We're a small but mighty, independent physical therapy practice. And it turns out to be, the people who have never heard of us leave our care shouting our praises from the mountain tops.
What we do is unique in the physical therapy world, yet so simple: We provide ample one-on-one care, every visit.
While this is a model that the cash-based physical therapy programs are starting to advertise to gain appeal, expressing that people will need fewer visits because of the hands-on personal treatment, this is the model we've been practicing at Atlas Therapy since we opened our doors almost five years ago. The perk? We provide the care that patients deserve with the help of insurance to pay for it.
Using this model has helped set us apart from the factory model of care from the very beginning and allowed us to develop very positive relationships with our patients and referral sources.
We wouldn't have it any other way. Just ask our owner/founder, former PSU linebacker Justin Kurpeikis, who has stated time and time again, "I would close our doors before sacrificing how we do patient care."
In combination with the one-on-one, hands-on model of care we provide, our therapists are continually expanding their education and training.
Our two clinics treat full body therapy but also have specializations in symptoms of the head, neck and jaw, balance and vestibular, as well as women's health. We are very proud to do what we do and bring this level of care to the people in our community.