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Fall Hazards - A Home Safety Checklist

April 28, 2020

Are you at risk of falling? One of the biggest challenges we face as we age is loss of strength, balance, and increased risk of falling. Injuries from falls can lead to life threatening problems and loss of independence. According to Physical Therapy for Falls Prevention, “Even if a fall does not result in an injury, it can result in a fear of falling, which may cause someone to cut back on their daily activities. And when someone is less active, they become weaker and more susceptible for more falls” (2020).

There are many factors that correlate with being at risk for falls which can include:

Thousands of older Americans fall at home each year. Beyond the list above, falls can also be due to hazards that are easily overlooked but easy to fix. Click the link below for a checklist to help you find and fix hazards in your home that may be increasing your risk for falling.
This checklist reviews potential hazards found in each room of your home. For each potential hazard, the checklist provides suggestions on how to fix it.

Although falls are common among older adults, falling is not a part of normal aging. The good news is that it is possible to decrease your risk of falls not only by addressing potential hazards in your home, but also by addressing physical and neurological ailments associated with falling. Physical therapy can help you decrease your fall risk through an exercise program and function training.

Your physical therapy plan may include:

To read more about balance and fall risks, check out this article by Atlas’ own Ryan Cavanaugh, DPT which was originally published in Town and Gown magazine.


Cavanaugh, R. (n.d.). Stopping Falls: Break the Cycle, Not your hip. Retrieved April 7, 2020, from

Physical Therapy for Falls Prevention. (2020, March 9). Retrieved April 7, 2020, from

Posted in Falls on Apr 28, 2020