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Mobile Rehabilitation

Jumpstart your recovery after surgery with Physical Therapy

July 26, 2021

Physical therapy after surgery is a vital part of your recovery. It can help improve swelling, range of motion, and strength. It can also aid in minimizing scar tissue development and can even help you manage pain levels and improve healing times. Other benefits of physical therapy following surgery include reducing the development of secondary issues such as infection, blood clots, and other post-surgical complications. Exercises and mobility activities will help to decrease the risk of secondary issues following surgery.

Swelling after surgery is a normal part of the healing process, especially at the beginning of your recovery. The severity of swelling varies greatly from one person to another. Reducing swelling is important to promote healing, improve mobility, and decrease pain. A physical therapist can help you decrease swelling with post-operative exercises and other tips and tricks, jumpstarting the recovery process. 

The body's natural response to trauma is to protect the area of trauma. This can cause muscle and tissue tightness, swelling, spasms and limited range of motion. Physical therapy can help you regain mobility through manual techniques, stretching, and strengthening exercises. Atlas therapy has years of success providing a variety of manual therapies to improve and expedite recovery.

Weakness is a common issue following surgery, especially following orthopedic surgery such as a total joint replacement, a spinal fusion, or a rotator cuff repair. You may also have lingering weakness due to an injury that required the need for surgery in the first place. Gaining back strength that you have lost after surgery is an important step in obtaining full functional mobility and a full recovery. You will work closely with your physical therapist to tailor treatments to your specific needs and improve your overall well-being which better ensures long-term success.

You can ease and expedite your road to recovery after surgery with the help of physical therapy. Studies have shown the value of beginning exercise training and rehabilitation as soon as possible after surgery.

Our staff at Atlas Therapy has developed a team-based approach with your physician and other local clinicians to achieve the best outcomes for you. Atlas Therapy offers three locations: a clinic in State College, a clinic in Altoona, and a mobile clinic (ATMR) that comes to you.

Atlas Therapy Mobile Rehabilitation (ATMR) carries the same high-quality service we have provided through the years at our brick-and-mortar clinics now in the location of your choosing. We treat many of our ATMR patients in the comfort of their own homes following surgery. We provide quality and individualized care for each of our patients. Our specialized, unique therapies help achieve pain-free results and expedite your journey to better living.

Contact Atlas Physical Therapy so we can help you Jumpstart your recovery after surgery!

ATMR (Mobile Therapy): 814-308-5023
State College Clinic: 814-308-8482
Altoona Clinic: 814-889-0310
Our current mobile coverage map can be found here:

Posted in Mobile Rehabilitation on Jul 26, 2021